Radhanath Swami says “Our Offering to Krishna is not limited by time”

nehābhikrama-nāśo ‘sti pratyavāyo na  vidyate

 sv-alpam apy asya dharmasya trāyate mahato bhayāt

Any endeavor in Krishna Consciousness is eternal; so nothing ends. This wonderful Pune yatra that we have all participated in may appear to be coming to an end. But actually whatever purification and inspiration we have gained will eternally remain as a great spiritual asset in our lives. And the enthusiasm and the inspiration and the blessings we have received from the Lord and His devotees should be kept as a very precious part of our lives. You see whatever we do in Krishna Consciousness; we do ultimately to come closer to Krishna and help others come closer to Krishna.

So these precious moments that we spent together; hearing and chanting the glories of the Lord; should be remembered throughout our lives. The intimacy of the relationships we develop with the devotees should be the basis in which we live for the rest of the year and for the rest of our lives. So please understand the Pune yatra actually begins in one sense, when we depart from Pune because just like you eat, and then after you eat, with the energy you get, you utilize to serve Krishna. Similarly the nourishment that we have received in this intensive experience for the last four days, we should now utilize it to work very hard throughout the rest of the year, to perform our sadhna, to serve the Vaishnavas, and to assist Srila Prabhupada’s great mission of broadcasting the glories of the holy name.

Radhanath Maharaj Glorifying the Devotees

Especially this year being Srila Prabhupada’s centennial year; it is January the very beginning of Prabhupada’s centennial. So we have come together to surcharge one another with enthusiasm to chant, to dance, to hear the glories of the Lord, to develop our faith more and more. And let us use this wonderful lesson that we have received to surcharge ourselves for the rest of the year and like a wonderful offering to Srila Prabhupada. Then this Pune yatra will actually be a grand success.

I would like to thank all of you. We apologize for any inconveniences that may have been and no one has complained about anything that we have heard. Devotees have been so……..so wonderfully inspired, just to take part in the activities. Some austerity is part of the yatra to put our body and our minds aside to keep ourselves focused in the Hari katha and Hari kirtan and the Vaishnav seva. But your wonderful spiritual sentiments and your dedication is something that even the greatest personalities in all the world who have come to visit us have very much appreciated.

Radhanath Swami Glorifying the Gift of Rare and Valuable Vaishnava Association

So you should know something very precious has been given to you by Srila Prabhupada and his servant’s mercy. Keep it very carefully. Do not take it as something very ordinary. A congregation of Vaishnavas to live with the association is something very rare and precious. Do not ever jeopardize that gift you have been ever given, because if you do disrespect the devotees, if you do give up the principle of serving the devotees then Krishna will certainly not give you that opportunity. He will take it away and then you have lost your spiritual life.

And we have seen this is the greatest danger. So keep very carefully the wonderful wonderful blessing of the association of the Vaishnavas of the most precious and dear part of your life. Perform your sadhna with great care throughout the year with great care every single day and let us utilize every possible opportunity and moment to make Srila Prabhupada’s mercy available to the world that is the greatest thing.

Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati, when he first met Srila Prabhupada, and also his last instruction, he said, “Take this message of Lord Chaitanya to the whole world. In this way, you will benefit and you will give the greatest benefit to others.” Srila Prabhupada has so kindly allowed us to assist him, in this simple but sublime instruction that he is endeavoring to fulfill, for his spiritual master and for Krishna

Radhanath Swami Expressing Gratitude

We would like to especially offer our greatest thanks to Krishnachandra prabhu and Radhapriya mataji. It is not an easy thing, inviting 600 people to your house for 4 days. They are very humble. They never like to take credit, but through our undercover agents, we have learnt that for the past week they have been awake till 3 or 4 o’clock in the morning, every morning, just trying to work out the details.

Krishnachandra, Radhapriya and Arti, allotting rooms, who is in each room, who is in each bus, what type of Prasad, when the schedules, because their meditation is not just to do things expediently and quickly; but with every single particular devotee in mind, how they could best serve them, and very very large endeavor. What we see in these four days has taken months of hard work, love, care and sleepless nights for this family to arrange just for us.

So I think we should offer our respectful obeisances to Krishnachandra, Radhapriya and his family for their effort by saying Hari Bol!!!!!!!

Hari Bol!!!!!!!  (Audience applause)

Hari Bol!!!!!!!

Hari Bol!!!!!!!

Also many times they have to come to Pune, just to make all the arrangements, they may appear by the material standards to be the people of large wealth; but actually when it comes to the service of the devotees, they do it personally themselves and this is the greatest wealth, the supreme wealth, the wealth of great great desire and enthusiasm to please Krishna and his devotees. When we have that in our hearts we are the wealthiest of all. So we should end the Pune yatra with nice kirtan for just a few minutes

Written by

Radhanath Swami

H.H Radhanath Swami is one of today’s most beloved and respected spiritual teachers. A Bhakti Yoga practitioner for 40 years, he is a guide, community builder, philanthropist, and acclaimed author.Born and raised in Chicago,at the age of 19 he discovered India's Mystical devotional tradition and now spread his message of compassion and love around the world.

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Radhanath Swami

H.H Radhanath Swami is one of today’s most beloved and respected spiritual teachers. A Bhakti Yoga practitioner for 40 years, he is a guide, community builder, philanthropist, and acclaimed author.Born and raised in Chicago,at the age of 19 he discovered India's Mystical devotional tradition and now spread his message of compassion and love around the world.