
Secret of detachment By Radhanath Swami

Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu playing the part the of perfect devotee, when He saw that His being a grhastha, was impeding people from hearing His message, He was going to give up, renounce His most loving, chaiste and faithful wife and His most loving mother. Such a wife and mother, nobody could possibly give up in this world.Generally, when a person is ready to take sannyas, he is pretty much frustrated with his family life. I have been so long, now I will be liberated from all of these anxieties, all of these demands, all of these entanglements.

God Becomes Servant of His Devotees By Radhanath Swami

This morning , we are reading from the Chaitanya Charitamrita .This is the story of the liberation of Sri Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya . Sri Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya , the great thinker and scholar , he lived in Navadvip . And later , in his life , he moved to purshottam shetra .Sri jagannath Puri Dham.

91-125 ‘Our Supreme Lord’ by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

Radhanath-Swami4The Personality of Godhead is omnipresent by His diverse potencies everywhere, just as the power of electricity is distributed everywhere within space. Similarly, the Lord’s omnipresence is perceived and manifested by His unalloyed devotees like Vidura, just as electricity is manifested in an electric bulb. A pure devotee like Vidura always feels the presence of the Lord everywhere.

94-029 'Call Of Pure Of Devotees (CC Adilila)' Lecture by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

vande taà çrémad-advaitä- cäryam adbhuta-ceñöitam yasya prasädäd ajïo ’pi tat-svarüpaà nirüpayet  I offer my respectful obeisances to Çré Advaita Äcärya, whose activities are all wonderful. By His mercy, even a foolish person can describe His characteristics. jaya jaya çré-caitanya jaya…

94-012 'Krishna Will Not Abandon His Devotees (SB 10.51.34)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

tejasä te ‘viñahyeëa bhüri drañöuà na çaknumaù hataujasä mahä-bhäga mänanéyo ‘si dehinäm (SB 10.51.34)   Synonyms tejasä—because of the effulgence; te—Your; aviñahyeëa—unbearable; bhüri—much; drañöum—to see; na çaknumaù—we are not able; hata—diminished; ojasä—with our faculties; mahä-bhaga—O most opulent one; mänanéyaù—to be…

94-006 'Humbling Ourselves (SB 1.2.19)' by HH Radhanath Swami

  tadä rajas-tamo-bhäväù käma-lobhädayaç ca ye ceta etair anäviddhaà sthitaà sattve prasédati (SB 1.2.19)  Translation As soon as irrevocable loving service is established in the heart, the effects of nature’s modes of passion and ignorance, such as lust, desire and hankering,…

94-004 'Who Is Our Real Friend (SB 10.51.1-6)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

Narayanam namastubhyam…. çré-çuka uväca taà vilokya viniñkräntam ujjihänam ivoòupam darçanéyatamaà çyämaà péta-kauçeya-väsasam (SB 10.51.1) çrévatsa-vakñasaà bhräjat kaustubhämukta-kandharam påthu-dérgha-catur-bähuà nava-kaïjäruëekñaëam (SB 10.51.2) nitya-pramuditaà çrémat su-kapolaà çuci-smitam mukhäravindaà bibhräëaà sphuran-makara-kuëòalam (SB 10.51.3) väsudevo hy ayam iti pumän çrévatsa-läïchanaù catur-bhujo ‘ravindäkño vana-mäly ati-sundaraù…