
Radhanath Swami elucidates on Teachings of Gita in our life

Radhanath Swami clarifies upon Real Love versus Bodily Affection At the time of death Hiranayakashipu’s other sons could not do anything to help him but by Prahlad’s prayers he was liberated. So that is real love. Sentimental affection may give…

Guru and Vaisnava Blessing

Nanda Maharaj is truly a loving father who is putting his heart and his soul into pursuing the true welfare of his two beloved children Krishna Balaram. He knows that without the auspicious blessings of great personalities and without the observance of the will of God, that nothing can be auspicious in this world. In fact, one can spend enormous sums of money to perform grand, grand ceremonies – the chanting of Vedic Mantras, the offering of oblations to the sacred fire and so many other of the ritualistic injunctions.

No Expectation in service By Radhanath Swami

This is very good example for all of us. It is explained in the Srimad Bhagavatam that when one performs devotional service in material life karma yoga means to work without being attached to the fruit. But in spiritual life it is said in Bhagvatam that when you perform devotional service certain benefits, certain fruits will come from that action of devotional service you should not be attached to that, you should understand it is for Krishna’s enjoyment.

91-072 'Q&A – Obedience To Guru Parampara' by HH Radhanath Swami

Perhaps three or four months, I was thinking to discuss whatever devotees would like to discuss today. So anything particular, any questions? It seems a question was asked on -many times the temple program run late in the evening, so…

94-036 'Pleasing Guru By Sacrifice (SB 3.28.17)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

apécya-darçanaà çaçvat sarva-loka-namaskåtam santaà vayasi kaiçore bhåtyänugraha-kätaram (SB 3.28.17)   Synonyms apécya-darçanam—very beautiful to see; çaçvat—eternal; sarva-loka—by all the inhabitants of every planet; namaù-kåtam—worshipable; santam—situated; vayasi—in youth; kaiçore—in boyhood; bhåtya—upon His devotee; anugraha—to bestow blessings; kätaram—eager.   Translation The Lord…

91-103 ‘Narottam Das Thakur Disappearance Day (CC Adi lila)’ by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

vande çré-kåñëa-caitanya- nityänandau sahoditau gauòodaye puñpavantau citrau çan-dau tamo-nudau (CC Adi Lila 1.2)   Harinaam Diksa : We have been discussing from Sri Chaitanya Caritamrita, the subject matter of the spiritual master. Within our Gaudiya Vaishnava Sampraday, there are two…

91-103 'Narottam Das Thakur Disappearance Day (CC AL-01) ' By Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

Harinaam Diksa : We have been discussing from Sri Chaitanya Caritamrita, the subject matter of the spiritual master. Within our Gaudiya Vaishnava Sampraday, there are two initiations given to the aspiring devotee. The first is the Hari Nama diksha. This…